I think this is a good idea. Hope all will at least try it at sometime or another. Albuquerque is lookin' good for Spring. Anyone care to visit???? Was great seeing you all that could make Mom's/Grandma's 75th! To you that couldn't make it, we will share pictures and hope to see you next summer for a "family reuion", although I hear Jason and kids will be in Kansas in July. Well, I better get off this before Aimee throws me off and bans me for being too long winded! Love you all....Cindy
Whoo hoo! You figured it out too!
I sent invites to Lindsey, Nicole, Suz, Rachel, Paul, Lori, David, and Ty. I don't have emails for anybody else I don't think, but hopefully I can gather them and send em out.
xoxo- Aimee
Aimee, at 8:51 AM
Yeah, Cindy figured it out too. I am impressed! Still having some trouble navigating but hope to catch on soon. Will for sure plan a trip to ABQ this spring/summer. Talk later.
pbryan, at 9:24 AM
I wanna go to Alb. it has been forever!!! I will require two things though...microwave pretzels and Otter pops...a summer in Alb. is nothing with out those two things...oh and littlest pet shop toys, but I don't think they make those anymore.
Ms_M, at 9:47 AM
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