Hey there....
Well, I am off to go get some sod....very little as you know the size of my backyard....at least some of you do.....and the place I am putting sod has gotten smaller, only a 10x10 sort of area. I say sort of because it is an irregular shape...kind of an organic freeform shape. and I made a new flower bed....with some stones...two tier. Kind of a pie shape. And I have been potting, and cleaning carpets and just trying to get stuff done. It has been so hot that no matter how much I water, some of my plants (the new ones) look pretty pathetic. I have lost about half a dozen. Also have done a little reading. Only one book since I came back from Josie's, but while I as there, I put away 4. They were pretty good. Well, I need to tap down the dirt and peat moss and go get the sod. Hope you all are having a good summer. Wish we could see each other. I plan on being in DC (thats grandma's DC, not Aimee's) the end of the month. Hopefully all my syblings wll be there too. That will be nice. Mom/Grandma continues to do great with the caterac (sp) surgery. Loves it. She sounds like a laundry commercial....the whites are so white!! And is looking forward to having the other eye done in August....the 8th. I will take her to her preop on the 2nd and leave from Pam's back here the 3rd I supppose. I have to be back in school on the 9th!!! You all take care. Hope to hear from you all....Love always.....Sis/mom/aunt etc.....Cindy
E-mail me at monicaBRP at gmail dot com and I'll send you those pictures, you can have them printed anywhere OR I can send them to like a walgreens in your area to be printed and you can pick them up there.
Monica, at 3:09 PM
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