Hey you guys!
Well hello everyone this is Valerie. Congrats to Aimee and Sarah on all their good fortunes this year. Well I have a few questions about Middle School. Well first of I'm really excited but nervous. Well what can help me? Second of all I need some advice. What should I do to start of? Advice, good tips and any stories will help. Please will you help. See I'm a nervous wreck....Just Kidding!
Also for Aimee- I have some other baby names for you and Sarah to just look over. Nathaniel, Adam, Daniel, Dillon, Dallas, Darrel, David, Aaron, Chris and Matthew. Well those are just some suggestions.
Well everyone my Gramma says hi to everyone and loves them all.
Love you ALL,
Valerie Raye Maestas
Also for Aimee- I have some other baby names for you and Sarah to just look over. Nathaniel, Adam, Daniel, Dillon, Dallas, Darrel, David, Aaron, Chris and Matthew. Well those are just some suggestions.
Well everyone my Gramma says hi to everyone and loves them all.
Love you ALL,
Valerie Raye Maestas
What's with all the D names? I like the names Val! Dont forget to keep to ones you like the most for your future self (MUCH in the future self!). I love you kiddo. More on middle school later! Be happy kiddo! No stressing! Middle school is still months away! Plenty of time to plan.
~~~Aunt Zan
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 1:07 PM
Oooh, Middle School! Well Val, I have to say that I actually really enjoyed Middle School. The things you learn in classes are pretty interesting, you get to do a lot more on your own, and at least in my middle school, we got to change rooms for classes and have lockers!
My advice is that you should just be yourself, be silly, have fun, and enjoy your studies.
Sometimes in Middle School everything *feels* really big (ok, sometimes that's true for grownups too). This is why you've got family and friends to talk things over with-- those things that might feel really big and overwhelming.
I can see that you'll do great at that- since you're already reaching out on the blog about a big topic.
Last, but not least, I think, is the golden rule. Treat other people like you want to be treated. Sometimes it's hard when they're not treating you in a way you want to be treated, but I think it works.
Good luck Val. Sarah and I will keep your names in the running. I don't think anything is set yet, but we'll keep you in the loop.
Lots of love-
Aimee, at 5:59 AM
It's been way too long since I have talked to you last. It took me a few minutes to remember my middle school years, even though it was only two short years ago. I really think you will like middle school though. I absolutely loved it. I had to go to a whole new different school for my fifth and sixth grade years and i thought that was cool. But when i arrived at my middle school it was a whole new experience! But a good one i must say. I enjoyed it so much! I made so many new friends i didn't think i could have made before at my previous schools.
Another thing that i learned about going to middle school is that you really find out who your true friends are! You learn alot about yourself and your friends as you get older and i think middle school is a big part of learning that stuff!
Going into middle school, i wouldn't be worried about anything. I honestly was scared to go into a whole new school not knowing people since we had a different school arriving there too (if that makes sense). But after a few weeks, it was great! i had good people in all my classes, and great teachers. We got to switch classes and subjects every forty minutes at my middle school, so that gave us time to talk and hang out with our friends during passing periods. I'm not really sure if your school is the same though.
Middle school is also another time where you get to test your responsibility, which i'm sure you have tons of! But you also get a little bit more homework than you did in earlier schools, but it's probably way easy for you! I'm sure you can do it all in a flash! You get the roles of finding your classes, being on time, finishing homework, handing in homework, etc. I would have to say it's more work, but i would not get nervous about that! It's nothing huge at all. They're just preparing you for high school, which you shouldn't be worrying about now though! You are quite a ways away from that!
But i am absolutely excited for you to go into Middle School. It's great! I know you will love it, no doubt about it. Be sure to let me know how everything goes when that time arrives! Also, blog me too if you have anymore questions, or if i missed something you were asking about! I'd be glad to help and answer any questions!
I love you valerie and miss you very very much!
I can't believe you're growing up so fast! When grandma told me that you were entering middle school soon, my jaw dropped! But i wish you all the best with what's up and coming in your life!
-hali jo.
hali jo :), at 4:30 PM
I love you to Hali!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the info. Miss you. Love ya. Bye
Val, at 3:04 PM
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