Valerie, Aimee and the Captain
Well, it seems that there are more things than genetics that connect us to each other....or maybe there is more to genetics than I am aware of....anyway....this morning I am getting ready for school as is Valerie when I hear her scream from the bathroom..."Gwama, Gwama...come here quick. I'm bleeding! My tongue is bleeding!" I rush and and inspect the poor thing. Well, the toothpaste was reddish, as was her toothbrush, however, it was not blood. It seems that Valerie had tasted the treats of the Captain, Captain Crunch that is, for breakfast. Being the good "Gwama" that I am, I explained the workings of food dye and then as is the right and duty of a senior wisewoman of our clan, I was able to pass on to yet another generation the story of Aimee and the Captain!!! So, on the eve....sort of....of another birthday my dear Aimee....I wish you well, I wish you happy, I wish you the honor and the priviledge of someday passing on other stories to other generations.
I am getting ready for Spring fact the "little darlin's" have just made a mad dash from these hallowed halls! Another few mins and a margarita will be in my future, followed by sushi (I am not a fan, but Valerie is) with Paul, Valerie and Deidre to celebrate her (Valerie) leaving on a 7 day cruise in the morning with Davina and Maggie. They are going to Nassau, St. Thomas and I don't know where. I am staying here and working outside, cleaning house and hopefully working in the studio. Any requests???
Everyone be safe, happy and dont' forget Aimee's birthday! Love you all...Cindy
I am getting ready for Spring fact the "little darlin's" have just made a mad dash from these hallowed halls! Another few mins and a margarita will be in my future, followed by sushi (I am not a fan, but Valerie is) with Paul, Valerie and Deidre to celebrate her (Valerie) leaving on a 7 day cruise in the morning with Davina and Maggie. They are going to Nassau, St. Thomas and I don't know where. I am staying here and working outside, cleaning house and hopefully working in the studio. Any requests???
Everyone be safe, happy and dont' forget Aimee's birthday! Love you all...Cindy
I would love some sort of platter type item...thanks! HA HA!
Ms_M, at 3:18 PM
I'm so proud. Really. *sigh*
Hope you have a great spring break-- ours was last week and we're already back at it.
Unlike my little sister, I will refrain from making requests *cough* bowls *cough*
Love to you and the Albuquerque crew-
Aimee, at 7:59 AM
Oh my! Did anyone else laugh as hard as I did!? I love you Aimee! You to Val!
Mama-Mike would like that big over sized coffee mug remember. I would like a hummingbird feeder and a pretty pot for flowers on our patio. I am not ashamed of asking for things! It gives you motivations doesnt it Mama! :)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:59 PM
Also loved the story. Sorry Aimee. It is great to have Jeremy join us! Hope everyone that is on Spring Break has a great one. We had snow during the whole week Bruce was off. He is now in therapy. Love to all! pb
pbryan, at 7:43 AM
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