Hello fellow Sprenkles! ^.^
Huzzah! This is your niece, cousin, misc. relative, ect., Lindsey! Good to be active in the blog world these days. Anyway, finals are next week and I have about 4 oil paintings to finish by friday, an art history final on thursday, and a psychology final on wednesday. No sweat. I AM a bit worried about oil painting. I really have mixed feelings about that class as I love to make fun paintings about pop culture or the human figure but when it comes to still life and landscapes I just want to quit. I suppose I'm just not interested in the subject matter. *le sigh* Oh well! I'm really excited about my classes next semester but methinks I shall save that for another blog. Oh! In other exciting news, one of my wearable sculpture pieces will be featured in a national textbook. I'll be sure to model it for the next Sprenkle gathering!
I suppose I've written enough. Ta ta!
I suppose I've written enough. Ta ta!
See LindZ it is EZ. You are now a part of it all. I am with ya on the painting things to look like things.....I am more of a throw some paint on an canvas and call it art kinda gal, it makes me feel better about my inability to get things proportioned. Anyhoo talk to ya later little cuz!
Anonymous, at 10:02 PM
Glad to see that you figured out how to get on! Good luck with finals and with finishing the paintings! I am sure that you can do it and will! I have no comment on the still life vs other as I cant paint to save my life either way you do it. :) Find some fun this weekend!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 11:41 AM
My only problem with oil paintings was it took so long to dry, it was kind of hard to convince the instuctor I had been working on them all along!!! Good luck with everything. Aunt Cindy
Cindy, at 12:28 PM
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