Little Girls
Wow!!! Little girls are a bundle of energy!! I had a great time with Val! As you may have read we went to JPL and then beach/ We also spent an afternoon at the spa getting a pedicure and a manicure. That was really nice. I think Val liked it. She definitely liked the way her nails looked at the end-she got flowers on her toes. I am not so sure she liked having to sit still for that long but I on the other had thought it was wonderful! We waited until Saturday to go to Disneyland so that Mike could come with us. Part of that was selfish--I did not want to have to ride some of the rides. My "old" body can not deal with them--not that they really could before either but... We got there during their first hour of operations and we began our day of waiting in lines. The fast pass thing was GREAT but I learned that you really need to have 2 days and a hotel room to do Disneyland right! My way of thinking is start early, go back to the hotel room when you are able to check in at about 3:00 and then go back to the park after dinner and spend the rest of the night. Repeat the second day! Val did well. She lasted the entire day without getting grumpy-me, I did not make it. Val went home Sunday at noon. Isn't she brave-flying by herself!!! Southwest is great! Mike and I spent Sunday afternoon and evening recuperating. I have to admit that I am still tired! It was a ton of fun!! Hope you all had a great weekend! Enjoy the week ya'll!
I went to disneyland once, i didn't get to ride the tea cups, I am still bitter.
Ms_M, at 11:03 AM
Monica-That was the ride I DID NOT ride. Lucky for me Mike was with us so I didnt have to do it or tell her she couldnt.
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 7:57 PM
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