Your color contrasts are really good. You seem to have a good eye for compostion and color....the value contrasts obviously with the black and white are good too. Do you ever play around with it all to get more of a contrast??? Keep up the good work and I love seeing them. Cindy
We're a pretty big and widespread family, but when it comes down to it, if you wonder where we all came from, you can "Blame Barbara", our grand dame, matriarch supreme, mom, grandma, great-grandma, sister, wife,and all around swell lady.
Keep posting them!! I enjoy looking at what you are up to! Keep up the good work! Hope the money is flowing!!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 9:16 PM
Your color contrasts are really good. You seem to have a good eye for compostion and color....the value contrasts obviously with the black and white are good too. Do you ever play around with it all to get more of a contrast??? Keep up the good work and I love seeing them. Cindy
Cindy, at 2:14 PM
I looked at your profile. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE cheese!
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM
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