busy buys busy
Hello to all...yes I am alive and well. Things have just been crazy busy. lets see....
Graduation was great...Gayatri Spivak was the keynote speaker at my Gender and Women's Studies graduation. She was amazing..like our own celebraty. She is one of the top professors at Columbia University and basically founded the concept of the subaltern and cultural studies. Anywho..graduation was fun and spent a nice weekend with family and friends...tried to convince grandma to come out for graduation and visit with larry too, but she didnt go for it.
I found a job earlier this week, I will be paralegaling at a law firm in oakland for the next year (at least) while I do all the test and applications for law school and probably a masters program or two. I also found a new place to live in oakland. its really nice and new and only about a mile from work, and it will be nice to get away from campus and that student only atmosphere (as well as cheaper). Im taking an LSAT prep course starting the end of this month, which last for a few months and then ends with the actual LSAT test at the end of september. So these next few months will be crazy...learning a whole new job and studying like mad for the lsats. as if time doesnt go by fast enough.
well i suppose i should go be productive....im trying to see how much stuff i can pack into my car!! I have a feeling its not all going to fit, and I may have to leave some things here in So Cal for my family to bring up later.
lets see... everyone else is leaving for the river tonight, including mike and suzanne. I will be leaving in the morning to go back to berkeley to start the moving process. Not looking forward to all the moving, but am looking forward to a nice new place to live in.
well better go and get some studd done...enjoy my last day of relaxation before things get crazy busy.
Love you all and miss you all.
Graduation was great...Gayatri Spivak was the keynote speaker at my Gender and Women's Studies graduation. She was amazing..like our own celebraty. She is one of the top professors at Columbia University and basically founded the concept of the subaltern and cultural studies. Anywho..graduation was fun and spent a nice weekend with family and friends...tried to convince grandma to come out for graduation and visit with larry too, but she didnt go for it.
I found a job earlier this week, I will be paralegaling at a law firm in oakland for the next year (at least) while I do all the test and applications for law school and probably a masters program or two. I also found a new place to live in oakland. its really nice and new and only about a mile from work, and it will be nice to get away from campus and that student only atmosphere (as well as cheaper). Im taking an LSAT prep course starting the end of this month, which last for a few months and then ends with the actual LSAT test at the end of september. So these next few months will be crazy...learning a whole new job and studying like mad for the lsats. as if time doesnt go by fast enough.
well i suppose i should go be productive....im trying to see how much stuff i can pack into my car!! I have a feeling its not all going to fit, and I may have to leave some things here in So Cal for my family to bring up later.
lets see... everyone else is leaving for the river tonight, including mike and suzanne. I will be leaving in the morning to go back to berkeley to start the moving process. Not looking forward to all the moving, but am looking forward to a nice new place to live in.
well better go and get some studd done...enjoy my last day of relaxation before things get crazy busy.
Love you all and miss you all.
Good luck with everything Nicole....we are very proud of you. You are an amazing young woman!! Go for it girl! Love always....Aunt Cindy
Cindy, at 8:30 AM
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