Shhh... Don't Tell...
I'm sitting in my Geology lecture. Lemme tell you, I don't know if there is anything more boring than listening to someone lecture about how rocks are formed.
I swear that the whole point of getting a degree is just to prove that you can jump through the right hoops.
Things here are good. Hectic but good.
Sarah passed her nursing boards, so now she's Sarah R.N. I've been working part time in our Office of Diversity Programs and Services, with some really great people. The little bit of extra money is good so that I earn my keep.
My classes are interesting, to me anyhow. I'm doing a project on Vietnam War movies- Apocolypse Now, The Deer Hunter, and Platoon. That will be a depressing couple of weeks.
What else- oh, I'm also doing a project on Chaco Canyon. I hope to visit there with one of my professors this summer. Here is a neat movie on Chaco. Two of my professors are into Southwestern Archaeology, and they keep trying to tell me that that's where I need to work too. We'll see-- I've got a lot of life left to live, and there's a whole lotta history to look at.
Also-I've been co-teaching a sociology class this semester. At first I wasn't very into it, but am slowly watching as the students "get it", which is an interesting process. I'm afraid I might not be patient enough to teach for a living though.
That's about it here- I should probably pay attention while my professor explains erosion.
Next week? Latitude and Longitude. No, I'm not joking. Maybe Val can help me w/ my homework.
Love you all so so much. PS- a little birdie told me that Rachel has a birthday on Thursday- pop her an email or a card! (if you need the address email me bookgeek AT gmail dot com.
I swear that the whole point of getting a degree is just to prove that you can jump through the right hoops.
Things here are good. Hectic but good.
Sarah passed her nursing boards, so now she's Sarah R.N. I've been working part time in our Office of Diversity Programs and Services, with some really great people. The little bit of extra money is good so that I earn my keep.
My classes are interesting, to me anyhow. I'm doing a project on Vietnam War movies- Apocolypse Now, The Deer Hunter, and Platoon. That will be a depressing couple of weeks.
What else- oh, I'm also doing a project on Chaco Canyon. I hope to visit there with one of my professors this summer. Here is a neat movie on Chaco. Two of my professors are into Southwestern Archaeology, and they keep trying to tell me that that's where I need to work too. We'll see-- I've got a lot of life left to live, and there's a whole lotta history to look at.
Also-I've been co-teaching a sociology class this semester. At first I wasn't very into it, but am slowly watching as the students "get it", which is an interesting process. I'm afraid I might not be patient enough to teach for a living though.
That's about it here- I should probably pay attention while my professor explains erosion.
Next week? Latitude and Longitude. No, I'm not joking. Maybe Val can help me w/ my homework.
Love you all so so much. PS- a little birdie told me that Rachel has a birthday on Thursday- pop her an email or a card! (if you need the address email me bookgeek AT gmail dot com.
I think even I can tell you about Latatudes and Longitudes, Latitudes are fatitudes, and Longitudes well they are long aren't they. Look at me helping my big sister out.
Ms_M, at 2:50 PM
Please pass on my congrats to Sarah RN!! Thats great. I read a lot of books when I was a kid with titles like that....Milly the MOdel, Sarah the RN, Susie the Stewardess etc. Never wanted to be a model, but always wanted a hat box. Anyway....Chaco Canyon??? So does that mean we get to see you this summer????? Sounds great! Our first 9 weeks are almost up...Friday! Gotta are blogging IN CLASS????? cindy
Cindy, at 12:43 PM
Congratulations to Sarah! Chaco is cool! It is so pretty there. Ive only seen pictures so I dont really know but...
Congrats to you on your up coming new job---Aunt. It is a great job and you will be wonderful! You too Monica will be wonderful-Congratulations. You both have to decide who will be the "non" fun one (Me-who will NOT buy Barbi or Brats and makes Val eat a well balanced dinner) and who will be the "fun" one (Jessie--who gives candy for dinner and buys all the cool things). Who will be which?
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:16 PM
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