Hello to all
Just getting back into the semester here. Im taking some really exellent classes this semester, but there really reading and paper intensive. Im taking four classes, 'Doing Feminist Research', Feminist Theory, Interrogating Global Economic 'Development', and 'Sex Change City, Theorizing history in Genderqueer San Francisco'. Im really excited about 'sex change city' because its taught by Susan Stryker, an emmy award winning transgender historian who made a really great film called 'screeming queens' about the compton riots in San Francisco to protest harrisment and violnece against the LGBTTIQQA (and I would say P) community. anywho, she is absolutly amazing and is in the process of helping me get an internship at the Transgender Law center in the city for this semester, Im really exciting and hopefully that will open up some options for next year (jobs or paid internships). Umm lets see, Im starting to write a paper on the disproportionate media coverage of female physical violence (ie Abu Ghraib). Im really excited about my fem theory class becuase were reading only books and article that have been published by feminist theorist here at its really neat to make that connection and meet these amazing people. as many of you might have heard, I severly hurt my ankle about a month ago, running and tripping on a curb, and was in a cast for 10 days then in a walking boot for 2 weeks, and they were considering doing surgery and putting in a pin for 12 weeks but the muscles started to heal enough that they opted not to (thank god) but that is still healing and still swollen and hurts at times. Im going home next week well the 13th for 6 days to visit and get away from school, since I dont know what will happen after graduation. Im trying to plan a trip back east for spring break to visit Harvard, Colombia, NYU, and maybe Georgetown for grad and law schools. Sarkis has relatives in New york (or maybe its new jersey) and should I might be hitting you up aimee if we can pack in three cities in about 10 days!!!!. would love to come see you and sarah though!. Also am hoping to go to Europe after graduation, of course my dream would be getting a world ticket and spending the next year traveling and backpacking whenever and whereever I want to. ok I think ive gone on long enough..aunt cindy, this should keep you busy for a few days! LOL JK....ohh Suz, amy lost mikes email so if you can email it to me, or ohhhh and I saw three very desterbing things reciently. 1. Jesus camp (a documentary on the christain movement) 2. Al Gore's 'an inconvient truth' (another documentary) and 3. articles on the new 'real ID' Bill that puts micro trips into the id that can be read via radio frequencies and has be capability to do all this horrible can youtube it for a video on it, and the first two you can watch free on
my love to all
in peace,
Just getting back into the semester here. Im taking some really exellent classes this semester, but there really reading and paper intensive. Im taking four classes, 'Doing Feminist Research', Feminist Theory, Interrogating Global Economic 'Development', and 'Sex Change City, Theorizing history in Genderqueer San Francisco'. Im really excited about 'sex change city' because its taught by Susan Stryker, an emmy award winning transgender historian who made a really great film called 'screeming queens' about the compton riots in San Francisco to protest harrisment and violnece against the LGBTTIQQA (and I would say P) community. anywho, she is absolutly amazing and is in the process of helping me get an internship at the Transgender Law center in the city for this semester, Im really exciting and hopefully that will open up some options for next year (jobs or paid internships). Umm lets see, Im starting to write a paper on the disproportionate media coverage of female physical violence (ie Abu Ghraib). Im really excited about my fem theory class becuase were reading only books and article that have been published by feminist theorist here at its really neat to make that connection and meet these amazing people. as many of you might have heard, I severly hurt my ankle about a month ago, running and tripping on a curb, and was in a cast for 10 days then in a walking boot for 2 weeks, and they were considering doing surgery and putting in a pin for 12 weeks but the muscles started to heal enough that they opted not to (thank god) but that is still healing and still swollen and hurts at times. Im going home next week well the 13th for 6 days to visit and get away from school, since I dont know what will happen after graduation. Im trying to plan a trip back east for spring break to visit Harvard, Colombia, NYU, and maybe Georgetown for grad and law schools. Sarkis has relatives in New york (or maybe its new jersey) and should I might be hitting you up aimee if we can pack in three cities in about 10 days!!!!. would love to come see you and sarah though!. Also am hoping to go to Europe after graduation, of course my dream would be getting a world ticket and spending the next year traveling and backpacking whenever and whereever I want to. ok I think ive gone on long enough..aunt cindy, this should keep you busy for a few days! LOL JK....ohh Suz, amy lost mikes email so if you can email it to me, or ohhhh and I saw three very desterbing things reciently. 1. Jesus camp (a documentary on the christain movement) 2. Al Gore's 'an inconvient truth' (another documentary) and 3. articles on the new 'real ID' Bill that puts micro trips into the id that can be read via radio frequencies and has be capability to do all this horrible can youtube it for a video on it, and the first two you can watch free on
my love to all
in peace,
ps after seeing how long this is ive decided that I am going to publish more blogs that are smaller....sorry!!
Nicole, at 9:00 PM
No worries! It was great hearing from you. I will e-mail you Mike's address later. Wanted to ask you about the acronym...LGBTTIQQA. Okay so this is what I think I know Lesbian Gay Bi Trans. Is that right? What are the rest and P? Life sounds good! I hope that you are enjoying it. Will you be around LA/Pasadena while you are home? Call us! Come see us!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:14 PM
LGBTTIQQA..and P (at least in the San Francisco bay area) means, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Intersexed, Queer, Questioning, A-sexual...and P for Pansexual. the first 3 are pretty common, the difference between transgender and transexual (at least the way susan stryker explains it) is transexual means post opt (ie living in the other social catagoy/sex then born as) where as transvestite refers to just dressing in the opposite sex attire (and demenure) only once in a while...BUT transgender has reciently come into use and kinda links these two seperate definitions into one. intersexed use to be refered to as hermaphridites (now also sometimes called xxxy, etc.) and pansexual is a word some people are using to replace bisexual becuase bi implies i binary in both biological sex and genders (male/female) so PAN is used in part to recognize the falsitity and complexity of both sex and gender and as an encompassing term to refer to people who dont id as one or the other, or who like genders that fall inbetween the dicotamy of female/male
ps...suz I got you email, Im flying down, but yes I will have to come out and visit sometime, and you and mike will have to come up and visit some time as well. Im hoping to get grandma to come out for my graduations in maybe then.
much love and peace to all!!!
Nicole, at 9:48 PM
Cindy, at 10:12 AM
Way too many labels for people who are just trying to live and love and get a little pleasure from a way too short of life lived on a planet that thrives on persecuting those that are different than the majority. I myself subscribe to the WTYO school of thought. Be nice!!
PS: cindy, I love your comment!!
pbryan, at 5:30 PM
What does WTYO stand for?
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:40 PM
My guess is that WTYO stands for whatever turns you on ! Am I right ???
I too totally agree with Pam!!
kath, at 11:37 AM
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