The ball is rolling FAST!!!!
Well I guess when you decide to go public with a new business people start to line up. I have six things in the very near future and I am actually getting paid for some wooo hoooo! Blue room has booked a few sittings this week and weekend it should be fun fun fun. Tomorrow I am shooting my friend Pauls band Within at their first concert, we are still working out the details of this but he is paying for my film and my gas there so that is a start if nothing else it is more exposure and more for the good ol' portfolio. I will also be doing some posed shots for him and cover art for his up coming and might I also say AMAZING album. Mom I think you would love him I will get you a copy of his CD. Also I have my friends sister and her daughter who will be paying me 20 bucks for the sitting and just over what I pay for the sheets they get, another girl I don't know and her son who I will be charging 30 for a 1 and a half hour shoot and I am still working out the sheet price for her. Then the big one is a girl who wants me to shoot a modeling portfolio for her, it should be very good exposure and good money as soon as I figure out how much I am going to charge her I threw out 300 bucks and she didn't seem to flinch so lets all hope. I am not quitting the day job just yet but it is definitely a shot in the arm knowing that people I don't even know like my work and want me to do things for them. On a personal note everyone start laughing...I am to be in my very good friend Theresas wedding on July 1st. And yes I will be wearing a dress, it is lilac and something about an empire...I dunno, supposedly I will look great in it, the fitting is next week, it is a good thing I love her cause you all know me. Other than that I am doing well and am ready for lake season, my good friend has a pontoon boat and an invite has been made so it should be a FUN summer. Yes mom, I already bought the sunscreen now I just need to remember to use it!! Aren't we all having fun with this site? I know I am, but where did my sissys go? Aimee is having exams right now and her head hurts so think happy thoughts for her and Rachel I am sure is busy with all things soccer, I have been meaning to go help her with hobbits one of these Saturdays. That is all for now! Have a great weekend all, be safe!
I am SO SO proud of you!!!
Aimee, at 1:12 PM
One foot in front of the other. Just keep on steppin'!!! Don't get freaked out about criticism when it happens...its not personal, and usually they are trying to be constructive, we just hear it way to personally. If its what you want to do, swallow any fear that gets in the way and just go for it!!! You are amazing!!! Keep writing too. Lvoe you proud, so proud...Aunt Cindy
Cindy, at 12:24 PM
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Anonymous, at 9:21 PM
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Anonymous, at 9:23 PM
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