Update from Justin and Daniela Sprenkle

Hi! Its a family update. Justin is back at work, he is teaching 7th and
8th grade math again this year. Daniela is at home with the girls-
Avielah who is now 2yrs old and Eliyah who is 4 months old. Daniela will finally be back in school this September, due to many factors her
expected date of graduation has now been moved to spring of 2008, muchto Danielas disappointment. Our plans are to continue to stay in the area untill Daniela finishes Nursing. Justin will try and survive teaching untill then.
We have no travel plans as of now. We will keep in touch. Please continue keeping in touch with us, we love to hear from you. Love
Justin, Daniela, Avielah, Eliyah
This is an email that Justin sent to Cindy, they are not on the blog I just copied it. If anyone would like to email them, the email address is godsforever@hotmaildotcom
Thanks for adding this. It is great to know what they are up to. Has anyone sent them this blog site? It would be great to see them and the rest of the Sprenkles on this!
I was wondering though if you would mind editing the post. There are "people" out there that scan the internet for e-mail address to send spam to. Thier's is now a target. One of the ways around that is to Write out the at sign or the dot and people can replace it with the sign when they go to e-mail that person. i.e. smaestasatgmaildotcom. I thought that might be a nice thing to do for them. So when you are placing your address out there be sure that it is a secure site before putting in the signs.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:17 PM
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