You KIDs you!!!!
Just read Aimee's post and was moved in so many ways, but I wanted to share with all of you how very proud I am of all you "kids"!! I wish mine (beside Suzanne) were on this because I want to share this with all of you. YOu all make us all proud of you! Each one of you has worked and is working hard for what you want your lives to be. It amazes me you all have a vision of what that is and are willing to work so hard. EAch one of you is amazing. I know it is no walk in the park......Central Park at 2 in the morning sometimes maybe! But you keep going. It doesn't matter if its school or your personal lives or your isn't always sunshine and roses and you all hang in there pluggin' away. So to all of you....Lucinda,Jason, Jeremy, Rachel, Suzanne, Aimee, Paul, Justin, John, Monica, Jessie, Nicole, Lindsey, Ryan, Ty, Jake, all are awesome! We (guess we aren't the kids anymore) are so proud of you all! And I know your Grandma is moved to tears with all you have done and accomplished! Your potential is unlimited! You all are and will be the guardians, the inspiration, the support, for Valerie, Lindsey, Logan, Shelby, Alex, Madison, Megan, and Mckena and those to come. Thank you all! and bless you all with all the grace thats out there. Love you all so very much, Aunt Cindy/ Mom
Now I have to wipe up more tears! I love you mama!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:12 PM
I heart you too!
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM
I could not have said it better ... we DO have a bunch of GREAT Sprenkle descendants.
kath, at 3:04 PM
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