ok ok, i'll post
hola to all,
im here in Berkeley doing summer school. today was my official half way point for this section. YEAH FOR ME! my teachers are a bit crazy and assign entire books in one day and i have about 2-3 papers due each week. plus my work has been on a firing binge so i have been working a lot to make some money to. so my days consist of homework, work, reading, eathing, and a small amount of sleep. oh well it will be worth it in three weeks when class is over. enough complaining though..my classes are REALLY good. one is on gender, sexuality, and race in contemporary pop culture, and the other is on Female Genital Cutting (FGC). today we wached a documentary in my class on FGC, some parts were really hard to watch, but it was a good all in all. anyways, one more year of school for me, that means start finding hotel rooms here in the bay area soon people for my graduationS (yes two, one for each major) in may. im looking at doing a masters program in Oxford England next year to get my masters in womens studies. I am almost done with both my majors, so im looking at graduate courses to take, were lucky here because we, as under grads, can take graduate (docturate) level courses with the prof. permission for no extra charge. Judith Butler teaches here and I love her work and am looking at taking one of her seminars and getting a letter of recomendation from her (how awesome would that be???) Im going home between the middle and end of aug. and am in need of a vacation. anyways, like mi madre said vegas trip in oct. for my Bday, everyone should come!!! I might not remember it but someone should! haha, just kidding mom. anyway...anyone planning anything for thanksgiving? thats the only holiday vacation time my mother has off you know and she would love to see you all. we should do thanksgiving in So Cal or NM!!!!
ok ive rambled on
lots of love to all
in peace
im here in Berkeley doing summer school. today was my official half way point for this section. YEAH FOR ME! my teachers are a bit crazy and assign entire books in one day and i have about 2-3 papers due each week. plus my work has been on a firing binge so i have been working a lot to make some money to. so my days consist of homework, work, reading, eathing, and a small amount of sleep. oh well it will be worth it in three weeks when class is over. enough complaining though..my classes are REALLY good. one is on gender, sexuality, and race in contemporary pop culture, and the other is on Female Genital Cutting (FGC). today we wached a documentary in my class on FGC, some parts were really hard to watch, but it was a good all in all. anyways, one more year of school for me, that means start finding hotel rooms here in the bay area soon people for my graduationS (yes two, one for each major) in may. im looking at doing a masters program in Oxford England next year to get my masters in womens studies. I am almost done with both my majors, so im looking at graduate courses to take, were lucky here because we, as under grads, can take graduate (docturate) level courses with the prof. permission for no extra charge. Judith Butler teaches here and I love her work and am looking at taking one of her seminars and getting a letter of recomendation from her (how awesome would that be???) Im going home between the middle and end of aug. and am in need of a vacation. anyways, like mi madre said vegas trip in oct. for my Bday, everyone should come!!! I might not remember it but someone should! haha, just kidding mom. anyway...anyone planning anything for thanksgiving? thats the only holiday vacation time my mother has off you know and she would love to see you all. we should do thanksgiving in So Cal or NM!!!!
ok ive rambled on
lots of love to all
in peace
I vote for Thanksgiving in NM again! I miss that! Besides I dont know if I will make it back at Christmas. Too many plans and too many cool places to visit.
Thanks for taking what sounds like your very very very precious time to post! Good luck and continue having fun!! As for Vegas hmmmm That could be a ton of fun!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 7:42 AM
I feel that Judith Butler should come with a translation. Sometimes I understand exactly what she's saying, sometimes it is like she only writes in theory-speak. But I'm super jealous that you get to have a seminar with her, she's hot stuff!
Aimee, at 9:58 AM
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