No rest for the wicked...
I took a form to my department today, to get them to approve me for 19 credits this Fall. On the way out, I felt such relief that I actually got goosebumps and a little choked up!
I have worked so hard for so long to finish school. In 1995, when I first started college, I wasn't ready for it, not one bit. Sure, I had my high GPA, and a willingness to learn, but at that point I was so pent-up to bursting over being gay and not knowing what to do with myself that I literally could not sit through a class. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than the anxiety of coming out to both myself (its a weird process, just trust me), and to my family.
It didn't hit me at the time, but as I continued through my very important life-lessons/school of hard knocks, I would think about school a lot. And then came the questions "what's your major" "what did you study" "are you in grad school?" I felt like I'd disappointed not only myself and my family, but the nerdy little 13 year old who loved to learn and couldn't wait for college.
So, when I went back in 2001, I thought I'd just dip a toe in... and I did that for 3 semesters before committing to full-time school work. Now I've got 2 semesters left to complete my goal of graduating before I'm 30 (well, I turn 30 March 28th and will graduate May 18).
Being able to quit my job to finish this is a real blessing, and it speaks a lot to the relationship I have with Sarah. I happily helped to support her through school so that she could get her second degree and start on a career path she really loves, and now she's doing the same for me. If either of us was too selfish, neither of us could have succeeded in this.
3 weeks to go before the last school year of my undergraduate career. It's been rough (and will not be a walk in the park to finish either, I'm sure) but I'm so proud of myself for this. I made a commitment to myself and kept it. Go me.
I have worked so hard for so long to finish school. In 1995, when I first started college, I wasn't ready for it, not one bit. Sure, I had my high GPA, and a willingness to learn, but at that point I was so pent-up to bursting over being gay and not knowing what to do with myself that I literally could not sit through a class. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than the anxiety of coming out to both myself (its a weird process, just trust me), and to my family.
It didn't hit me at the time, but as I continued through my very important life-lessons/school of hard knocks, I would think about school a lot. And then came the questions "what's your major" "what did you study" "are you in grad school?" I felt like I'd disappointed not only myself and my family, but the nerdy little 13 year old who loved to learn and couldn't wait for college.
So, when I went back in 2001, I thought I'd just dip a toe in... and I did that for 3 semesters before committing to full-time school work. Now I've got 2 semesters left to complete my goal of graduating before I'm 30 (well, I turn 30 March 28th and will graduate May 18).
Being able to quit my job to finish this is a real blessing, and it speaks a lot to the relationship I have with Sarah. I happily helped to support her through school so that she could get her second degree and start on a career path she really loves, and now she's doing the same for me. If either of us was too selfish, neither of us could have succeeded in this.
3 weeks to go before the last school year of my undergraduate career. It's been rough (and will not be a walk in the park to finish either, I'm sure) but I'm so proud of myself for this. I made a commitment to myself and kept it. Go me.
Go Sissy!!! I love you!!!
Anonymous, at 7:56 PM
Exuse me a minute while I wipe the tears from my face! Seriously! I am so very proud of you and so very happy for you! Horray for the final year!I remember the feeling of having the end in sight but I think yours is sweeter! Rock on chica!
And congratulations on having such a wonderful relationship!! You have so much support from so many people, it might not be a walk in the park to finish but it with all the love it wont be too horrible. 19 hours, it might have its momements that all the love and support wont be able to help. 3 10+page papers all given the same day and due a week later on the same day? God forbid that should happen! I will only send out good thoughts and karma! :)
As for this 30 year old thing. You will have done it at 30 and that is awesome! You will have finished and in the end that it what counts NOT how old you are when it happens!All things in time.
I love you!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:15 AM
You're my girl Aimee. Sometimes life has different twists and turns but you have landed soundly on both feet and continue to move towards what you want in life. I couldn't be more proud of you, but you already know that. Love you....signed,the Materfamilias
pbryan, at 11:00 AM
I am so proud of you. You show such courage and committment! And I am very proud of Sarah. It speaks volumns not only of your relationship, but the type of people you both are! We do a lot of things not because they are easy, but because they are the right things to do and we want to do them for each other...we care. My thoughts and prayers will be with both of you this always.
Cindy, at 7:48 AM
I was so taken by your post, I couldn't comment right away... You go girl !!!! My thoughts and good energy are sent your way. The coming year will no doubt be challenging but if ANYONE can do it...
Love always...
kath, at 3:08 PM
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