I'm not lost ....just busy
Wow, I can't believe it is August....where did the summer go ????? Nicole finishes summer school on Thurs. then drives down for a two week well deserved break. Ty on the other hand starts Fall sem. at the community college next Tues. We are leaving Fri. am for the river and returning Monday... will be nice to have the kids together for a few days R&R. Ty is still working recreation at the Christian Camp and enjoying that. He will still work part time after school starts. Nicole talked him into packing his 15 units into Tues and Thurs. Hope he does well with that... she loved it and continues to try to schedule herself like that.
Bought a pair of new tires for Ty's car this am, one had a bubble on the side wall, made me nervous with his driving up and down the mountain. Then I went with him to buy books ....ahhhh!!!!! Now I need to go on line and pay Nicole tuition for the fall. Scarey...scarey..scarey. I need a weekend at the river so as to forget about where all the money goes.
I am registering for a class up in San Fran. the 8, 9, 10 of Sept. That I'll get reimbersed for after I complete it BUT the flight, is mine. Not too bad tho about 150 - 160 for a round trip. Beats driving with 3.10 per gallon gas prices. I'll stay with Nicole and take the Bart over to SF. The class is on feeding disorders in children. I see so many kids with those probs. It is really bad when you find out the mom has feeding issues herself.
We aquired a new (never been assembled) wooden hot tub. It is quite small (2 people) and looks like a wine barrel. It's round and has steps that curve around it. Kind of cool looking but man good luck to Doug with the directions as everything needs assembled!! This pro hockey player that Kyle has been working on his house in Laguna Beach decided he didn't want it after all. The price was right...Doug will do 2 weekends of work for him as a trade and since he is leaving for Calgary for a year, Doug and I get to stay in the house for those weekends... I am, of course, getting the better deal on this one.
I am rambling... I should try to post more often and maybe these wouldn't be so long. I also need to figure out how to post pixs. Ty knows, but he's at work.
Hope all is well,
Love to all.
Have fun at the river! Loved Tys pics last time he posted, so if he has new ones he should share.
Sarah and I are thinking maybe California for Fall break in October? I'll email you to get details of where we should look for flights into, etc.
lots of love from waaaay over here-
Aimee, at 9:26 AM
Val is coming out to CA in October for fall break too! She will be here the weekend of the 9th. When is your fall break Aimee? Where you should fly into can include Burbank. I will pick yall up!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 7:29 PM
Sounds like you are very busy Kath but still finding time for the river which is great! Thanks for taking the time to send me the newsy letter and picture last week. It was a very nice surprise! Score big on the hot tub and a get-away at Laguna Beach! Hope your trip to SF is a good one. keep in touch. Love you.
pbryan, at 7:12 AM
love you....I'm at school, first day, and kids are coming in, so.....gotta run....love you..me
Cindy, at 1:16 PM
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