A few Pics
Well what is going on with me...it seems like work work work. I brilliantly left my ATM card in a ATM machine the other day, so that was fun, my new card will arrive in 7-10 business days...grrrr! Who knew that ATMs EAT THEM like chew them up if you leave them in there, I suppose it is for my own good though. I also got a roommate, my friend Shalyn whom I have known since like ohhhhhh I was 4 I bet that most of you have met her at one time or another, graduation, birthday or some such. It has been nice haveing someone else around the house. We will be moving into a 3 bedroom town home in October I will keep you posted on that. What else? Blue Room is doing well and with a promise of a camera by September 1st I am taking on appointments starting after that. I am doing a few bands, an 8 year olds B-day pictures and some engagment photos for a friend, in October one of my best friends babies will be one so I am looking forward to doing some pictures of her too! I do a lot I swear but most of it isn't worth mentioning. And if it is worth mentioning you probably don't want to hear about it. Though I think I could write a book about some of the crazy and funny first dates I have gone on and been put up to lately, I am in no hurry to find a man but my friends seem to think otherwise and have set me up with some interesting characters that is for sure!!! I hope that you all are well and this satisfys your blog hunger for today! Love ya!
What I have been up to this summer a photo essay by Monica Wells.
This is a picture I took for my friend Natalie for a modeling competition.
I promise the bride thought my shirt was funny.
If you don't know which one is me then you are in trouble...this is the only one i have now more to come.
This is my new Logo for Blue Room Photography.
What I have been up to this summer a photo essay by Monica Wells.

You look really pretty in the wedding picture. Would like to see more. Be careful going so hard everyday. Guess you already know that. I am really glad that you and Shalyn are getting a place. A new adventure I am sure. Talk to you later. Love you. Mommapajama
pbryan, at 6:38 AM
Nice pics.
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 4:10 PM
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