Canada continued

We came back from Canada to nice warm temperatures. I miss the cold and the snow but it was nice to be back in flip flops instead of my heavy hiking boots!
I downhill skied two days and spent a 3rd day on cross country skis (my preference). I spent a couple days walking around cute mountain towns and drinking tea! We saw elk , white tail deer, and little white bunnies but no moose! I was sad about that! We explored hot springs but no one would actually get in one. There was a place we could go and swim/soak in the hot springs and they would rent you a early 1900s swimsuit too! It sounded cool! The others I was with whined about the sulfur smell. Apparently the smell out weighed the novelty. Oh well something for Mike and I to do another time. We ate a very nice dinner at the Maple Leaf in Banff on a recommendation from Linda and Kyle! It was amazing food! I got Alaska King Crab!!!! YUMYUM!!! The last night we were there one of my friends (a classical violinist) convinced use to go to a classical music performance in Banff. We listened to a quartet (cello, violins, and piano), solo cello, and a dulcimer. It was a nice night out.
Not too many nature pictures were taken as it was cloudy and snowy the entire time. The mountains looked beautiful but we could not capture it on film. There are a handful of pictures on Mike's smugmug account if you would like to take a look. If you cant get there let me know and I will email you information about how to access the account. Mike is weary about me putting the link on this site so.....
I hope that everyone is doing well! Let us know what is happening out there! It has been very quiet on the blog lately!
Love you all

Thats lots of snow!! I have bulbs coming up and I am happy. The Canada trip sounds so awesome. Glad you all had such a good time. Hot Springs are awesome to get into. The ones I got into were in Canada was beautiful...big, huge feathery snowflakes falling and beautiful pine trees all around. It was awesome.
Cindy, at 4:42 PM
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