Finals are over!!!!!
hello to all, just figured id drop a line and let you all know that finals went well and I am so glad thay are over with.....although my happiness is hindered by the summer school class that I started yesterday. oh well it will be worth it to pick up a second major. I move into my apt in a few weeks and cant wait...this whole process has taken literally about 5 months and im tired of it!!!! I went home for a few days before summer school started which was nice, but then the rest of my family LEFT ME to go to the river, including the make sure you give my mother a hard time about leaving her only daughter the one weekend shes in town to go to the river. well I guess thats all from here, I need to get back to reading. talk to ya all later
p.s. were have you all disappeared to?? there hasent been post in forever
p.s. were have you all disappeared to?? there hasent been post in forever
Hey Nicole~
Guess everyone must be busy with summer stuff? Glad that all is well and finals are over for you. I will be sure to mention your abandonment to your mom when she returns. I have pictures from Jakes grad party I will post later. Our computer got hijacked by some weird spyware deal so it will be awhile. Really enjoy your posts and keeping up on what you are doing. All of us back here in Kansas are very proud of you, you know. Keep up the good work! Stay in touch!
pbryan, at 8:07 AM
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