It's been a while...
OK lets see what has been going on in the wild world of Monica. Lets work has been crazy busy with fathers day coming so I have been working a ton. When I am not working I have been getting ready for this wedding I will be in on the first let me tell you it got a little sticky the other day when the lady who is altering the dresses was pressing mine and burnt a hole in it. Thank goodness I didn't do it but it looks like we found a way to fix it so that is good. The bride only had a small heart attack and seems to be recovering nicely. I planned that bachlorette party this week and sent out invites, I was going to have it at a skating rink as the bride wants an all ages type event but it was kindly mentioned to me the number of bones I have broken and the fact it might not be a good idea to have the bridal party on wheels. A conceded and now we are going to a really neat Mexican restaurant and to the club after. Speaking of clubs my friends and I went out for my birthday this last Friday it was a lot of fun, my friend Jeff tried to teach me to two step it was a disaster I don't know how I made it out of western Kansas without knowing how. My real birthday is on Friday of this week and I think a smaller group of us will be going to Lawrence for the occasion, out to dinner and then who knows. I am supposed to get a fire house tour as well. On Monday I am taking care of my friend Natalies four year old son Sage over night...that should be interesting. We are going to go see the new movie Cars...after that I am out...we'll figure out something he is a good kid and we hang out a lot so he should be just fine and if anything goes TOO wrong I have her moms number whew. Right now I am supposed to be cleaning my apartment getting ready for him and my new roommate. Sometime in July my friend Shalyn from school will be moving in with me, it should be a lot of fun. She has been a truck driver for the last couple of years and now she is coming off the road and going to college. I have known her since preschool which brings the length of our friendship to 20 years as we were four when we is kinda funny knowing a person that long. Anyway I am rambling BAD and ya'll are waiting for me to close so I will. Hope all are well and I send my love!
I am tired just reading your note! It sounds like you are having fun though! I hope that your birthday is wonderful! Have fun with the babysitting and let me know how the movie is. I think I want to see it but I am not sure I want to spend the money to see it at the theater. Let me know if I should. Have a wonerful rest of the weekend.
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 9:10 AM
Happy Birthday MOnica!! I remember your 13th!!! Have a great year!! Sounds like you are enjoying life, keep it up. Make sure you give John a call when you are in Lawrence. Next year you allwill have to invite Jake up for a weekend or two. Well, gotta get busy in the shop. YOu take you..jAunt cindy
Cindy, at 1:42 PM
Happy..happy...happy birthday!!!!!!
Sound as though you are as busy as we are out here. We had a graduation party for Ty and 2 of his friends at our place last night. Fun for all. Glad things are going well for you. Take care and I remember someone para-sailing on her birthday!
Aunt Kathy
kath, at 7:28 PM
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