Monica's new hair

The straight hair is different but I do like it and she assures me that it can still be curly. I can't say anything about the color since the last time I decided to take matters of Monica's hair color into my own hands she ended up with totally fried, bleached out, blonde beyond blonde hair! Not a good look - trust me.
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend. I am going to go to Dodge City and hang out with Mom and Teresa. Ryan is going to Lawrence for the first KU football game, David and family are going down to Oklahoma to Lori's sisters. Rachel and Gunar are flying out tomorrow to San Diego for Gunar's class reunion. Monica is going to be a good little niece and help her Aunt Helen move. Don't know what Aimee and Sarah will be up to. Cindy will be busy potting I am sure.
Well, that's about all I know. Love to all!
The second picture really looks like Rach. You look great Monica!
the color is fabulous!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 6:00 PM
Lookin' good girl!!!! HOpe all is going well. I, personally, love the color of your hair. Love always...Aunt Cindy
Cindy, at 2:33 PM
See mom, they like it!
Ms_M, at 7:06 AM
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