Ty's pics
Ty is teaching me how to insert some pixs. Hopefully I can remember for next time. Anyway here's some of his pictures.
We are getting ready to head up the mountain for a lobor day B-Q at Franz and Sues if any of you know them.
Having a good weekend, heading to Berkeley on Thurs pm and have a class FRI, SAT and SUN then return on Mon.
Hope everyone had a great and safe weekend too.
Keep in touch and John, was great to hear from you!
Love Kath

mg.photobucket.com/albums/v332/tyrocks/IMG_0140-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

Sprenkle Kin
We are getting ready to head up the mountain for a lobor day B-Q at Franz and Sues if any of you know them.
Having a good weekend, heading to Berkeley on Thurs pm and have a class FRI, SAT and SUN then return on Mon.
Hope everyone had a great and safe weekend too.
Keep in touch and John, was great to hear from you!
Love Kath

Sprenkle Kin
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