A new son
Zan said her computer wasn't working this morning so I thought I would get on and share my good news.....I am going to have another son.....ok, son-in-law, but still.......another memeber to our family! and he has weathered some uncles on the Maestas side of the family and he has already spent time with Doug and Kyle, so I think he may stick around for awhile!!! Suzanne is very happy....good thing, and Mike is sick.....I don't think there is any connection! I am rather pleased myself....not that Mike is sick, but that they are engaged.....I was pleased before with them just being a strong couple, so I guess I am just still pleased. Anyone follow that???? I am fairly sure Pam did. I am not sure how you younger ones work. We are more on the line of James Joyce...no periods or connected thought....actually it is connected, but not like you might think and certainly not always in an obvious way. At anyrate....it is a beautiful day today here....bright, beautiful New Mexico Blue skies....I think it is an actual color. Its not that the sky is just blue, it is actually New Mexico Blue!! The sun feels warm, a few crocus are up.....I feel good in the words of the legendary James Brown!! It has been way too long a winter....I feel giddy! And I get to peek inside my kiln this afternoon!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!! HOpe all of you have felt some Spring today and have a smile on your face. Life is good.....tough a lot of the time, but oh, so good. Thanks for being part of the family you all....you all are great...and the young ones comin' up! What can I say, talent, smarts, good looks (obvious what you all have gotten from US!!)....I think we need a family get together! Take care....laugh alittle....throw your arms back and drink in the sun!! Love you all....Cindy/mom/ Aunt/sister/just general all around great woman!!! yep, I feel good!!
I am retyping this comment. I am not sure that it took the first time. If it did ignore this one.
Wow!!! I thought I was giddy and esctatically happy!! I am so glad that you are feeling so wonderful! Mama, I love you! I cant wait to hear about the kiln load! Have a great day! I love you!
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 7:43 AM
Suuure, and you can't understand Nicole! I scoff in your general direction.
Aimee, at 7:26 PM
Love you Cindy and how your emotions can radiate so well through your words. I am happy you are happy and of course I am SOOOOOOO very happy for Suz AND for Mike, they are Both getting a very good deal!!!! They seem to have a very wonderful relationship, one of caring and nuturing and of honor and comfort in supporting each others individuality and differences yet unite to reach common goals....
Well that's what I see when I'm around them anyway. So exciting and well... just awsome.
Hey, what did you mean about the Doug and Kyle comment???
Just kidding. Ah, tomorrow, Doug can have a beer again........., another February gone by.
Hope all is well
Love Kath
kath, at 7:26 PM
Can you all just see her hands moving too?
Suzanne, Suz, Zanny, Zan..., at 8:05 AM
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