I'm not dead yet! I could go for a wulk!

In other words, "Long time, no see!"
Yes, I've been ignoring the facinating world of blogs and Xanga's partly because I've been....how should I say it...."Lazy." Yes. Lazy. I can admit it! Ahhh I really shouldn't be writing right now as I've got my last final tomorrio. It's a comprehensive exam on the Japanese I've been studying. "So far, so good" as they say. I'm doing well in that class---with the exception of the oral interview I had last Wednesday. I can't even speak in front of people in English, let along Japanese! Good gravy!
Oh! And if you're wondering about the skeletons....they're a preview of the final in Drawing II that I've been working on. Exciting, isn't it? I've spent well over 12 hours on this drawing. I've already debated committing sepuku with my pencil.....twice.
Anyhow! I really need to quite procrastinating. This is just a pleasant reminder that all is well in the Land of LinZ.
Until next time,
Same Sprenkle blog, Same Sprenkle time.