Sprenkle Kin

Friday, July 28, 2006

Not Bad

Okay so a week ago I posted asking everyone on here questions. We had a pretty good turn out. Mom/Cindy, Nicole and the bew homeowner posted their own blog and we have had comments from Aunt Kathy, Monica and Aunt Ellen. Not bad people! But where oh where is everyone else? That last line was sung in my head to the tune of "Oh where oh where has my little dog gone" I really need more adult interactions during the day!!! Aimee the creator of this wonderful blog. Where are you? Aunt Pam? Lindsay? Jeremy? We would love to hear from you all too even if it is short and sweet.

I hope everyone has a relaxing, wonderful weekend. Everyone do something fun, something to make you smile.

I love you all

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Well, fun yesterday. Jessie went to work at 10:30 AM and came out of work at 3pm and the Honda was NOT there!!!! WE have had our car stolen....the HONDA for pete's sake. True the pickup would be even more rediculous but really!!! Apparently there is a hot market in HONDa parts!! Anywaay that is our news. I am getting ready for camp....Sunday (tomorrow) to next SAt. Valerie will go with me. I am teaching the kids bubble wands with dowel, copper wire, and beads, a pinwheel, and a copper curly-q whirly magig????? Curled copper, wire wrapped marbles, twirls in the wind??? Get the picture/??? So....anyway... had a good time in Kansas. Selby and Valerie got a long ssooooo well. They had a great time. Hopefully Pam will post pics soon. They are so cute. Good to see everyone. Wish we could have gotten more of the great-grandkids together.

Well, I gotta go. Laudry and errands to run before packing to camp. Lov eyou all....Cindy

Friday, July 21, 2006

ok ok, i'll post

hola to all,
im here in Berkeley doing summer school. today was my official half way point for this section. YEAH FOR ME! my teachers are a bit crazy and assign entire books in one day and i have about 2-3 papers due each week. plus my work has been on a firing binge so i have been working a lot to make some money to. so my days consist of homework, work, reading, eathing, and a small amount of sleep. oh well it will be worth it in three weeks when class is over. enough complaining though..my classes are REALLY good. one is on gender, sexuality, and race in contemporary pop culture, and the other is on Female Genital Cutting (FGC). today we wached a documentary in my class on FGC, some parts were really hard to watch, but it was a good all in all. anyways, one more year of school for me, that means start finding hotel rooms here in the bay area soon people for my graduationS (yes two, one for each major) in may. im looking at doing a masters program in Oxford England next year to get my masters in womens studies. I am almost done with both my majors, so im looking at graduate courses to take, were lucky here because we, as under grads, can take graduate (docturate) level courses with the prof. permission for no extra charge. Judith Butler teaches here and I love her work and am looking at taking one of her seminars and getting a letter of recomendation from her (how awesome would that be???) Im going home between the middle and end of aug. and am in need of a vacation. anyways, like mi madre said vegas trip in oct. for my Bday, everyone should come!!! I might not remember it but someone should! haha, just kidding mom. anyway...anyone planning anything for thanksgiving? thats the only holiday vacation time my mother has off you know and she would love to see you all. we should do thanksgiving in So Cal or NM!!!!
ok ive rambled on
lots of love to all
in peace

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hi all!!! I really do not have anything exciting to say or really anything at all to say but I am tired of seeing my mom's blogg that has been up there for a week now.

What is going on with you all?

Monica-Where is the picture of you in a dress and makeup from this last wedding? How is the business?

Nicole-How is summer school? When is it over? Mike and I are going to go to the River for the last trip. Will you attend or will school have started?

Aimee-School? How is it? I here that you would like to not work as much and knowck out your last 8 months this school year. If you can do it you should! Just get it done. So would that mean you would be graduating next May?

Aunt Pam- Thanks for sending me pictures of RAch's house! The chest is great!! You both did a great job on it! What else are you doing this summer?

Mom- When is camp? What are you teaching them this year? When is High Road?

RAchel- Do you have your computer connected yet? Settled in? Blog pictures soon as you can! I am sure others would love to see them.

Aunt Ellen- What are you doing this summer? I hear Jason was in Kansas with the kids! How excellent! We would love to see pictures? Were you able to go to Dodge with them and see your sisters?

Jeremy- Where are you and what are you up to these days? Let us know! We would love to hear from you!

Lindsey-Hey chic! Where are you!? It has been a very long time since we heard from you! Are you doing summer school? Let us know!

Aunt Kathy- Hi! What about you? What fun things are you up to this week? Any cool conferences happening around town I should know about? Any projects to share with the group?

Me, I am good! I have to recert my self with CPR. I had a day off of work to do it! That was nice! Went swimming and I really mean swimming for an hour and 15 minutes the other day! Im a bit sore. I havent been in a pool in years and to actually swim in a longer while. No real plans yet for the rest of the summer accept the last trip Kathy takes to the river. Mike and I are going for a few days!! Anyone else coming along?

Well, hopefully that will stimulate all to add their two cents about life so we all have something else to read AND more importantly we can all keep in touch, knowing what we are up to. You know the point of this blog! :)

I gott run to work! I love you all! Hope you all are doing excellent!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

where is everyone???

I keep checking the blog and I guess everyone is having too good a time to bother with this, so I thought I would write. Working in the "studio" and getting some nice things done. Working on garlic roasters and keepers, juicers, and various other things. I have some really nice oval platters that I really like. Hope they turn out. One of them is at least 14" long or more! With textured handles. Nice.

I am planning a trip to DC....nope Aimee, not that DC.....this weekend. Valerie and I will leave Sat am. I will tell Mom (grandma) hi for you all and give her hugs and kisses. Hope to see Jason and kids on Monday. We will see. They were not sure of their plans. Paul will also be in Kansas then only in the Eastern part of the state with John. They are going to try and stop by Rachel.

Rachel....saw the pics of the house and the entertainment center you and your mom redid!! Wow!! Your mom says you did most of the work!! Great job! And the house looks great. I bet it still has a sort of unreal quality to it. Your very own home!!! Congrats to you and Gunar.

Hope you all have seen Kathy's new pictures of the Hummingbirds....the babies being fed etc. They are awesome. Ty has a great camera.

WEll, I really need to get back into the shop. See what i can come up with for you all for Christmas!!! Love you lots....what a family....you all make me smile!! Cindy

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A couple new portfolio pics.

Northern California's Lost Coast


The long weekend was an adventure to be sure! We stayed near Stanford on Friday and visited a friend. We took a very short tour of Stanford. What an amazingly beautiful campus! You can feel the inteligence vibrating in the air! I got to touch some real Rodin Sculptures that were standing in an open courtyard! They were of French men of the city of Chasis (I think) that gave their lives along with the keys of the city to the English. The anguish on their faces was evident and just amazing! I also thought their feet were really cool as well as their behinds! Such muscles! There was also a Rodin Garden but we did not have time to walk through them. We of course forgot to take pictures so I dont have those to share with you. Sorry! The church there at Stanford is also awesome! The murals on the walls were all mosaic; just beautiful! I will have to check the college's website and see if there are good pictures of them. We proceeded north early Saturday morning for a truly under estimated drive to the beginning of the hike. We stopped for breakfast at a very cute tea house with amazing scones and wonderful breakfasts. When we finally got to the beginning of the hike we had passed through some redwoods and sequias, seen some deer, traversed over a mountain range, and almost driven to Oregon! The hike was mostly on the beach of black sand. Hiking on the sand was tough!! When we started the wind was at our backs pushing us forward. On our return Monday the wind was still blowing the same direction! I swear there were gusts that could have sent me tumbling into the sea! We saw various sea creatures, deer, and HUGH jack rabbits! No bears even though we were bombarded with warnings about them! At our second campsite in a driftwood shelter the wind was almost never ending! We made camp in the early afternoon, fixed up the shelter a bit more and relaxed by the sea watching a big sea lion on a rock. The wind did not quit until the sun went down! It was a bit frutstrating and grumpifying but we all survived. You can see our pictures here http://airnewt.smugmug.com/gallery/1631493
Well, I suppose I should stop this blog entry. I really need to get ready and go to work. I hope you all had a great Fourth! Love to you all!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sprenkle Kin

Update with the Fosters: Had a great visit from Cindy and Diedre. Got to have dinner in the back yard and hang out every eve as it would cool off nicely by then. Went to Laguna Beach on Thursday (Deidre swam, we had a great lunch and wondered some shops as well as visited the tide pools), made it up to the Falls for some relaxing time and then to the Cafe / El Mex Friday eve for good food, music and dancing!!! Terry of course had to sing about Cindy and something about waving her hands around as a form of communication - ha ha. Before they left on Sat am and I mean literally just before, one of the humming birds hatched... so cool. I'm posting some of the pixs, enjoy! The second one hatched this am but haven't been able to get a pix, don't want to upset momma.
Went to friends for a big party on Sat and then the chili cook off in Forest Falls on Sun. Kyles B-day is today so will join them for dinner tonight, no definite plans for tomorrow. Busy, busy. Nicole will head home tomorrow, later than I want her to for sure but hopefully early enough to avoid some of the holiday traffic.
Well everyone have a safe and enjoyable forth.....
Love to all,
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