Sprenkle Kin

Friday, March 31, 2006

Kathy is on - sort of.....& Lori news

Kathy has posted a comment under Aimee's Final Four Blog! Hope that you can figure out how to acutally post Kath. It is really not hard. You do it from your dashboard. I am sure that Ty or Nicole could give you some pointers. Wanted everyone to know that Lori's throat surgery in KC went very well yesterday and they will be heading home this afternoon. She is on a new med that should help with the reflux more efficiently than just the Pepcid. That is very good news!

Also, got Jake's announcment in the mail. Little Jakey Sprenkle will be graduating on May 21st and David and Lori will be hosting a party in his honor on May 20th. Since neither one of them seems to be posting, I thought I would pass that on so you can mark your calendars...I am assuming that everyone reading this will be invited???? YIKES! Can hardly believe that the Potumus is graduating...sniff, sniff.

All for now Sprenkle Kin. Love you all! Happy Friday!!!!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Final Four!!!

Campus is CRAZY right now with March Madness!!! This is me and Gunston after our big send-off pep-rally. Also, look for me on Friday morning on Good Morning America- I'll be holding a sign that says Good Morning Underdogs.
 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Rachel, I hope you don't mind but I just had to get this photo out on the blog. I just love it! I think Rachel needs to lobby the Irish government and get at least an honorary citizenship. Notice her unusually long index finger made especially for keeping a grip on the green beer. Also notice the tiara on her head...stolen from a princess that was in the St. Pats Day parade. That Rachel does know how to have some fun! Love you! Momma

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
So where is everyone? It is very early in the morning March 28th and I cant sleep. I have been up for the last hour and a half just messing around. I guess really I wanted to be the first to wish Aimee HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Send me your address and I will send you a belated card! I hope you have an awesome day! So not much new. I saw Kathy this weekend for a very too brief time. I gave her more info on how to join the blog. Hopefully she will join us soon. I dont know what to write so I will go snuggle with my cats as they are viaing (sp) for my attention as we speak. Have a great day all! Love ~~~Suz

Friday, March 24, 2006

Valerie, Aimee and the Captain

Well, it seems that there are more things than genetics that connect us to each other....or maybe there is more to genetics than I am aware of....anyway....this morning I am getting ready for school as is Valerie when I hear her scream from the bathroom..."Gwama, Gwama...come here quick. I'm bleeding! My tongue is bleeding!" I rush and and inspect the poor thing. Well, the toothpaste was reddish, as was her toothbrush, however, it was not blood. It seems that Valerie had tasted the treats of the Captain, Captain Crunch that is, for breakfast. Being the good "Gwama" that I am, I explained the workings of food dye and then as is the right and duty of a senior wisewoman of our clan, I was able to pass on to yet another generation the story of Aimee and the Captain!!! So, on the eve....sort of....of another birthday my dear Aimee....I wish you well, I wish you happy, I wish you the honor and the priviledge of someday passing on other stories to other generations.
I am getting ready for Spring Break....in fact the "little darlin's" have just made a mad dash from these hallowed halls! Another few mins and a margarita will be in my future, followed by sushi (I am not a fan, but Valerie is) with Paul, Valerie and Deidre to celebrate her (Valerie) leaving on a 7 day cruise in the morning with Davina and Maggie. They are going to Nassau, St. Thomas and I don't know where. I am staying here and working outside, cleaning house and hopefully working in the studio. Any requests???
Everyone be safe, happy and dont' forget Aimee's birthday! Love you all...Cindy

Monday, March 20, 2006

My painting....

Hey guys I painted this I liked it I thought I would share because I never like anything I ever paint...here goes nuttin.


Okay here is my first post. I responded to the great looking tatoo that my bro drew but I guess that does not count. How is going y'all? Did you all have a great weekend? I saw the end of the George Mason/UNC game! How about that game! I bought and planted plants for my patio and went on a bike ride and bought a bike. It has been "cold" here lately. I guess CA version of winter 50-60 degrees. It has been nice. Kathy will be in my town next Saturday and we hope to get together for a bit after her conference. A friend of mine who lives in Boston is coming into town that weekend too. Should be a great weekend. Well I had better get going to work! I have a very light Monday which is nice but I do need to get there on time. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! Love you all!


Ok, I think I have invited everyone again. If there is still trouble, I'll try to walk people through. I can also add people as "administrators" if ya'll think that's helpful.

Love to all- Aimee (um, I mean, Blame Barbara Admin)

Friday, March 17, 2006

I hope we aren't dying a slow death. I am sure we are all just too busy to blog.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What did you do on Wdnesday...

So what did ya'll do tonight...this is what Shawna and I did...can you guess who's body it's on...hmmm got ya thinking...another maestas(er) peice....ha ha John is so talented....any hooters (just for you Rachey)I'm not gonna lie (for Aimee) I'm out...

Monday, March 06, 2006

This is Fussy

I am testing inserting pictures in the blog. I hope this works. I used the Picasa program that Aimee recommended.

Fussy is my kitty that I caught on fire once. If that is the worse thing that ever happens to Fussy, she should count herself lucky. Right kids?

I look forward to sharing more pictures in the future. They might even be of people instead of cats. Talk to you all later. Posted by Picasa

Up too late, Up too early

If anyone notices the time stamp on this thing, you will see that it is 7:30 a.m. I time that I am not so familiar with considering the fact that the earliest I EVER have to be at work is 9:00 a.m. But I agreed to watch my friends puppy (Chandler a 2.5 lb. Yorkie Terrier) today and she brought him to Auntie Mons daycare bright and early since her apartment will be fumigated today. I could have slept through it except for the part where he CRYS so LOUD! So now I am up trying to get a puppy to go to sleep, boy oh boy he sure dosen't want to! I didn't have to work at all this weekend which was a nice change and the weather was pretty nice for the most part soo I really enjoyed myself. I cleaned my apartment (no really it is almost sterile in here) for about 3 hours on Saturday. I went out to a club called Juls and danced later that night, and on Sunday my friend Shawna and I did errands. That night I made Chicken tetrazzni for us and my friend Shalyn who is a truck driver came to visit! It was all very fun! Hope yours was too!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Survived March 1

The farmer's March 1 filing deadline has come and gone and we all survived here at LHD. In fact, we earned an additional vacation day and have the possibility of earning another paid day if we reach our charge hour goal in March. Very exciting. More days to take off and visit family or go fishing in Colorado. That is a good thing. And speaking of good things....KU beat Colorado last night and Texas LOST to A&M. (Not to mention that the Dukies lost last night too!) Life is good. Now...we gotta beat K-state at K-state on Saturday. Gotta love March don't you?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I think this is a good idea. Hope all will at least try it at sometime or another. Albuquerque is lookin' good for Spring. Anyone care to visit???? Was great seeing you all that could make Mom's/Grandma's 75th! To you that couldn't make it, we will share pictures and hope to see you next summer for a "family reuion", although I hear Jason and kids will be in Kansas in July. Well, I better get off this before Aimee throws me off and bans me for being too long winded! Love you all....Cindy