Sprenkle Kin

Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Blog

Hello everyone. I just thought I would let you know that I have created a new blog. I have no idea how often I will write something but I am going to try to keep it up. You can view it by click on my name under contributers and clicking on Adventures. My goal is to share with everyone my adventures- past, present, and future.
I hope this finds everyone well! I love you all. See some of you in a couple weeks!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Some more pix

Well, that post was cut short.....I messed up and couldn't post all the pixs I wanted so here are some more............ I think we have a couple of really good photographers in the family.
On another note.....Doug and I are headed to the river this Friday and stay till the following Thursday. The last summer vacation... the last of summer, period! We are having a 25th Anniversary Party on the 6th of October if anyone wants to come on out.........Our friend Terry and his son are going to play music and we've hire The Taco Man to cater......... should be a blast, the head count is between 55 and 60 so the weather better cooperate!
Hey, have not seen any updates on OZ lately, whats the deal? Was enjoying those. Wish I could make the shower, I'm sure it will be a great time.
Hope all is well with everyone.............

Ty's Pixs

Check these out.

Since I figured out how to post pictures FINALLY, (altho I have a lot to learn to do a slide show or arrange them nicely)..........any who... I thought I'd post a could of Tys recent pixs.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Doug has been busy

Heidi and her sea doo riding....she loves it.
Thought I'd share our latest completed project. We bought this gazebo a few years ago and the canvas rotted out twice. The lucky woman that I am, having Doug, he made a new plastic roof. He designed the vent out the top so the wind wouldn't try to lift it off. Pretty cool, I think.

We also got the little hot tub going but it hasn't been cool enough to use it on a regular basis. Notice how I say we......Doug always tells me that we spelled backwards is eew (pronounced "you"). Funny how that works.

And this is a hummingbird I rescued. He tried to land on a flow of water from the hose as it was running into the creek/water feature. The force of the water slammed him into the water and pinned him down so I pulled him out and eventually he dried and flew away.
I need to learn how to do the slide thing! Hope all is well and I've enjoyed all the Oliver news!!! Congrats !!! He's beautiful.

Monday, September 10, 2007

More pictures...but he's so cute...

My nephew is the cutest thing ever and I can't quit taking pictures of him. Rachel is doing so much better, I saw her today and she was doing great fussing around the house a bit even. Thats pretty much it...work, baby, eat, baby, sleep, work, baby, baby... who else is going to document his every move and whole life?? Huh??

Oliver's first Doctor Appointment

Oliver had his first doctor appointment today. He is back up to his birth weight of 7lbs and everything else checked out very well. His little wee-wee is healing nicely although Rachel reports that it still looks pretty sore to her. Guess maybe that is a little too much information? Rachel is also sounding much better today and actually managed to get some good sleep last night. In case anyone is wondering, hiring the Doula was a godsend to both Rachel and to those of us in the waiting room the night of Olivers birth. She was worth every penny and then some. She has visited Rachel at home and given her some tips on feeding and napping and answered a lot of questions. She is just a calm reassuring person with lots of experience with babies and new mothers and god knows it has been awhile since I was a new mother so any advice or tips I might have to offer are probably the wrong thing nowadays! Did you know that you really won't make your baby's bones sore by holding them all the time?? Hmmmm. Gotta run for now. You will get sick of baby news before all is said and done but for now - just call me Proud Granma

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Are you sick of this kid yet????

Another Video....


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

ENJOY! Baby Oliver!

In my excitement, I forgot to update!

It's a boy!

Oliver Zachary! 7 pounds even, 19 inches long, lots of brown hair, and big feets!

Mom, dad, and baby are all good, tired, but good.

Here's a picture of him giving gramma the what-for (or maybe he is yawning)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Whew... still at it!

Well, Rach has been at it for more 25 hours now, and is flat exhausted. A team meeting was held with mom, and everyone decided it would be the best to go ahead with a C-section. I said it before, and I'll say it again, as long as everyone is healthy, I don't care if that baby comes out Rachel's nose.

We won't know any more for about half an hour, but I'll update as soon as I get word. I'll be the one pacing a hole in my rug!


Still Laboring

I think Rachel might need to join a Union. Long hours, hard work, and the baby is sitting tight.

She's been hanging in there for a long while now, but the doctor and Rachel decided that maybe it might be time to go ahead and start with some small doses of Pitocen. She'll be getting a dose every half an hour until baby arrives.

I'll keep you all in the loop. Monica is on the scene, so I'll have photos too!

I can be found at aimeew @t gmail if you need me.


Labor Day!

I don't know if you all check this often, but I figured I'd give an update-
Rachel is entering hour 16 of labor. She's at the hospital in Lawrence, and mom is on her way, probably nearly there. They checked in the hospital at 1:45 a.m., her water broke around 2:30, and she's been laboring slow and steady ever since. (it's about 10:30 a.m. now)

Send her lots of good vibes, and positive thoughts and prayers- she's a trooper!
The doctor is there now, and she has a doula (midwife). They're going to try all the tricks they know, and then talk about induction if things don't start moving a little faster. I'll update again as soon as the shy baby finally makes his or her ( i think her) appearance.

Until then, I'll be nervously awaiting messages from Gunar.

big love-

Sunday, September 02, 2007

cause I can only post one pic at a time and dont know how to do the cooly wooly pic show thing


Life as we know it....

Hi to all....
Life has been crazy here. Just busy busy busy
Started a new job about 6 weeks ago, going really well. But have a ton to learn and remember. Im a litigation associate for a law firm in Oakland, by lake merritt. Its a peronal injury firm and we do only Plaintiff's. So its nice because we help the people that were victims of accidents and need help dealing with insurance companies and the other parties involved. Its a small office and I oversee all of the litigation cases, which means in a lot of ways I am doing the work of a lawyer who just graduated law school, but not making that type of money. LOL. Its about the experience through, right?
I am also taking a class right now to help prep me for the LSAT's (a law school enterence exam). I take the LSAT at the end of the month so I am only working part time this month so I can study study study and hopefully get in the 90th percentile, which is about a 170+. Good luck to me. If I get a good score and form my applications hopefully HOPEFULLY I can get into a top 20 school. Of course Harvard is my top choice, they have a great human rights emphesis, and well lets face it, wich a name like Berkeley and Harvard linked to me I will have it a hell of a lot easier finding a job and things to do in life. If I dont get into a school that I want to then I am thinking about applying for a masters program at NYU which last 2 years then going to law school. I figure even if I take the long way I will only be 27 by the time I finish...not TOO bad.
Lets see...on a different note, I got to little kitties about 3 weeks ago. Little all black kitties, brother and sister. Named em Milo and Edie. there NUTS@!!!! and into everything..its like having a kid (I would imagine). But they are adorable and I love em. They are so friendly and have so much personality.
Lets see...I dont think I am able to go anywhere for christmas...now that I have a real job and have to pretend to be all adult like....ugh.
Ummm what else, Ty came up this weekend with a friend. we have just been hanging out, went to the Oakland art and soul festival yesterday saw some bands that we liked and hung out today in SF. SO hot though. I think we will hang in berkeley tomorrow, if anything is open.
OK now I am just rambling. Will try and post some pics of the milo and edie and then some of the view from my office later on (20th floor great view of the lake and SF and oakland).
Ok...thats all for now

Love to all,