I took a form to my department today, to get them to approve me for 19 credits this Fall. On the way out, I felt such relief that I actually got goosebumps and a little choked up!
I have worked so hard for so long to finish school. In 1995, when I first started college, I wasn't ready for it, not one bit. Sure, I had my high GPA, and a willingness to learn, but at that point I was so pent-up to bursting over being gay and not knowing what to do with myself that I literally could not sit through a class. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than the anxiety of coming out to both myself (its a weird process, just trust me), and to my family.
It didn't hit me at the time, but as I continued through my very important life-lessons/school of hard knocks, I would think about school a lot. And then came the questions "what's your major" "what did you study" "are you in grad school?" I felt like I'd disappointed not only myself and my family, but the nerdy little 13 year old who loved to learn and couldn't wait for college.
So, when I went back in 2001, I thought I'd just dip a toe in... and I did that for 3 semesters before committing to full-time school work. Now I've got 2 semesters left to complete my goal of graduating before I'm 30 (well, I turn 30 March 28th and will graduate May 18).
Being able to quit my job to finish this is a real blessing, and it speaks a lot to the relationship I have with Sarah. I happily helped to support her through school so that she could get her second degree and start on a career path she really loves, and now she's doing the same for me. If either of us was too selfish, neither of us could have succeeded in this.
3 weeks to go before the last school year of my undergraduate career. It's been rough (and will not be a walk in the park to finish either, I'm sure) but I'm so proud of myself for this. I made a commitment to myself and kept it. Go me.